
TryHackMe - CTF Collection vol 1


Hello hackers, I hope you are doing well. We are doing CTF Collection vol 1 from TryHackMe.

What does the base said?

In this task, we’re given the following encoded string: VEhNe2p1NTdfZDNjMGQzXzdoM19iNDUzfQ==

By the looks of it, it seems like a base64. We can go to CyberChef and decode it.

We can also put the string in a file and decode it using the command base64.

Meta meta.

When we download the task file, we see that it’s an image. To view the meta data of an image, we can use exiftool.

Mon, are we going to be okay?

Something is hiding. That’s all you need to know.

The file task is a jpg image, and there is some hidden content in it. The term we use for this technique is Steganography, and it is basically the practice of hiding one file within another.

To extract the hidden content in an image, we can use a tool called steghide.


In this task, there is no file to download, so the flag must be in the task, but we don’t see anything.

If we select the text in this task, we can actually see the flag.


Downloading the task file we see that it’s an image of a QR code. We can upload the image to an online qr code reader or use a smart phone to read it. I used this Website

Reverse it or read it?

The task file is a program that prints some text when we it’s run.

The title of this task says we can reverse it or read it. We can use the command strings that looks for human-readable characters in a file, and see if we can find the flag this way.

Another decoding stuff

In this task, we got another encoded string : 3agrSy1CewF9v8ukcSkPSYm3oKUoByUpKG4L

We can use CyberChef to identify the encoding scheme using the magic operation.

The magic operation identifies string as a base58. We can now use from base58 operation to decode it.

Left or right

Left, right, left, right… Rot 13 is too mainstream. Solve this

We are given the following : MAF{atbe_max_vtxltk}

At the first glance, this look like a rot13, but it’s not, if we check the hint, it says it’s a caesar cipher. We can search on google for a caesar cipher decoder and get plenty of websites. In my case, i use this website.

Since we don’t have a key, this website can brute force the key and decode the flag.

Make a comment

No downloadable file, no ciphered or encoded text. Huh …….

Let’s check the source code of the page for any comments.

Can you fix it?

I accidentally messed up with this PNG file. Can you help me fix it? Thanks.

If we try to open the image we get this.

Let’s check the file type using the command file.

It’s says data while it should be PNG image. Let’s now check the magic numbers of the file.

Magic numbers are the first frw bytes of a file that are uniq to a particular file type.

Now let’s search for png’s magic numbers if the ones is the file are correct.

We found the correct numbers, now let’s fix the file. To do that, we can use hexedit.

TO change a byte using hexedit, you simply have to move the cursor over a byte and type what you would like to. In our case, we need to replace 2333 445f 0d0a 1a0a with 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A.

To save the changes, press ctrl + X and then y.

Now let’s check the changes.

Great! We fixed the file, now let’s open it and get the flag.

Read it

Some hidden flag inside Tryhackme social account.

If we check tryhackme’s subreddit, we can find the flag in one of the posts.

Spin my head

What is this?


This is a brainfuck code, brainfuck is a programming language. I used this website in order to execute this code.

An Exclusive!

Exclusive strings for everyone!

S1: 44585d6b2368737c65252166234f20626d S2: 1010101010101010101010101010101010

In the hint we have XOR, searching for this xor thing, i found this website that we can use to get the flag.

Binary walk

We can use a tool called binwalk that searches binary images for embedded files and executable code.


The task file is an image, when we open it, we see that it’s all dark.

We can use a tool called stegoveritas.

A Sounding QR

We got another qr code, let’s upload it to thiswebsite.

We got a link to a soundcloud clip, and it spells it to us.

Dig up the past

Sometimes we need a ‘machine’ to dig the past

Targeted website: Targeted time: 2 January 2020

In order to see a website at a specific time in the past, we can use the WayBackMachine

Now enter the targeted website and press enter.

Now let’s select 2020 and go to 2nd january.

Now hover the mouse over the number 2 and click the clock time.


Can you solve the following? By the way, I lost the key. Sorry >.<



This looks like a vigenere cipher, we don’t have a key, but we know that it starts with TRYHACKME. Let’s got to dcode website.

Since we don’t have a key, we selected knowing a plain text word and entered TRYHACKME, with that, we were able to retrieve the flag.

Small bases

decode the following text.


The hints says dec -> hex -> ascii. We have to convert this decimal text to hex, and then to ascii. We can use this Website.

Now select decimal to hex converter, and convert the text.

Copy the result and go back to select hex to ascii converter, and convert to get the flag.

Read the packet

Now with the final challenge, we need to read a packet. Let’s load the file to wireshark and investigate the packets.

Let’s search for the word flag, we ca do that by pressing ctrl + F, select string and type the word flag, then press Find.

Great! We found the packet, now right click the packet -> follow > http stream

With that, we have successfully completed this wonderful room.

Thank you for taking the time to read my write-up, I hope you have learned something from this. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me. See you in the next hack :).

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.